Tuesday, February 16, 2010

My Valentine

I was working Friday night until 11pm, and I came home to find my room decorated with homemade hearts from the kids, and my wonderful husband. It ended with this in the bathroom.
Thanks Honey!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Winter Art Show

Lee had a great Art show last weekend. He was the featured artist at the gallery that shows his work. He always has great work, and I love his paintings. My house seems very bare with most of the paintings missing for a couple of weeks. :)
The show looked great.

Some of Lee's graduate school friends stopped by to say hello and check out his work.

Lee always does a great job in explaining his work, and the detail he puts in them.

I think he does an awesome job! I am very lucky to have such a talented husband. Check out his website for a up close look at all his paintings. www.bartholomewpaintings.blogspot.com

Pinewood Derby 2010

Carson had his first Pinewood Derby as a Boy Scout. He and his Dad worked really hard on the design and the car. They really spent hours making it the best it could be. (If you know my husband and all, you would not be surprised.) Unfortunately, his car was disqualified because they shaved off a little to much off the wheels.=( They still let him race but didn't count any of his times. (He would have won 2nd place for sure.) He was sad but seemed to handle it OK. I am still very proud of him and his hard work! The track was great. Thanks to a family in our Ward, and all their work on it.

Carson is a great kid, and he loves scouting. He tries hard in anything he does, and is a great example to his younger sister, and brother. We love you Carson!