Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Christmas Lights

 We went to see some lights this past weekend, and it was so much fun! We met up with some friends of ours, and enjoyed the Christmas atmosphere. The decorations were fantastic, and the kids loved seeing all the lights. It was a great way to start the Christmas season.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Leaky of our pipes decided to leak, and because of the location we did not catch it right away, and it caused quite a bit of damage. We actually have had a Disaster Restoration company come in and help(with the approval of the insurance company of course!) They have had to rip out carpet, some of my wood floors, (sniff sniff), and trim. You can see they have placed fans and dehumidifiers in the house to help with the dry out. It is quite loud in our house right now. They also think they will have to tear out the kitchen as well, since the water went under the floor in there as well. So we might have to replace the kitchen cabinets too. Who knows what all will happen, but we are definitely in a mess!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Halloween 2011

Our kiddos! Plus, our friend Miera came with us Trick or Treating!
 Halloween snuck up on us this year! Carson was Death, Mara a witch, and Kale was Iron Man! It was fun going with them.

 Picking out the pumpkins. Not sure what they are doing. :)
Mara and her scary face.
Kale playing a game at the church Halloween Party.

Daddy and Carson getting ready for a the doughnut eating game.
You can still have fun, even if you are death!

Carson's First Race

 Carson joined the Running Club at school, and had his first race last weekend! He ran a 5k at the Tulsa Run, and did great. His time was fantastic, especially since he had only been training for 2 weeks, and there were a bunch of hills on the course. He still ran it in 30.31!
 Kale waiting at the finish line. It was a little chilly. :)
 Mara voicing her opinion on the cold weather.
Carson almost to the finish line.
 The finish line!
Way to go Carson! He finished 600 out of 2200 people who ran the 5K. Here he is right after the race, and  he does not look tired at all!