Sunday, October 21, 2012

Ward Campout

 Our ward had a camp out this past weekend. The weather was perfect, and the kids had a blast! We had forgotten how much we love to camp. It has been way to long. 
 Mara getting her bed ready.
Our camp site. We had a great spot right by the lake. It was not that crowded, and it was fun to spend some time with other ward members. We only stayed one night, but it was super fun!

In other news, I have been called to serve as the primary president. I have been doing it now for about 2 months. It has been a learning experience for sure! I really have not served in primary that much, so it came as quite a shock. The children are great, and it is fun to see them learn, and feel their sweet testimonies.  Lee is serving as the primary music leader, so we see each other most Sundays. It has been fun. Primary Program will be finished soon, and then maybe we can focus on other things!

Jog a Thon

 At the elementary school, their big fundraiser is called the Jog-a-thon. The kids get sponsors, and then they run laps for 25 minutes. They earn money for how many laps they run, or a lump sum donation. The kids love it! Kale is wearing his class shirt that they made at school. 
 Running around the track!
 Just getting started.
 Mara making another lap.
Mara and 2 of her good friends. Madeline and Ashka.

Fun hiking!

 We had a quick hike around the lake, and snapped a few pictures.
Sometimes they actually like each other!

First Day of School 2012-2013

 These kids were so excited to start school this year. Kale started 1st grade and loves it! His teacher is super nice, and he still loves recess best.
 Mara started 4th grade this year, and really likes her class, and teacher. She loves art, and music!
Carson is the big 6th grader this year. He is now out of elementary school. :( He goes to the 6th/7th grade center, and really likes switching classes, and has taken up learning the cello.