Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Blog...continues

After a year of not updating my blog, I FINALLY put up some updates. After I did, I realized how many others have neglected or quit their blogs. Was it a passing trend to have one? Or have other social outlets made it easier to keep others informed of your life? Or are people too busy? I myself was pretty busy this past year. My husband was working in Houston, while my children and I stayed in Tulsa for 6 months. He was home most weekends, but it was still hard. When I did have time, I couldn't find the motivation to blog. Not sure why. I actually like to blog, since I am a horrible journal keeper, it has been somewhere to document my life. I quit Facebook years ago, and never joined any other social media since, much to the displeasure of family. :) I have found it to be refreshing to not see EVERY single detail of some other persons life. I love not having stalkers in my families life.

So to sum up. This blog really is for me. While I enjoy having those close to me reading it, I have to admit most people don't check out blogs much anymore. I will soldier on, knowing it will be nice to have this as a history of sorts for myself and my family to look back at and remember things we have experienced together. I will promise to update more regularly!

P.S I have cleaned up my blog. Which means I have deleted blogs whom authors have not posted anything for over 2 years. Please let me know if you would still like me to follow your blog! I would love to see how you are doing. :)

Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring vacation to San Antonio

For spring break, we decided to take the kids to San Antonio. It is only a few hours away, and I nor the kids had been there before. We took them to Sea World since we had not been there with them before. :)
We first visited the dolphins.

 Took in the Sea horses.

Had to see the shows! :) We even sat in the splash zones. 

Had a great time watching the action.

Fed some of the birds and water fowl.

The next day we ventured to the Alamo! We learned a lot and enjoyed walking the Riverwalk there, which I did not get a picture of. 

Had to throw in my semi-healthy St. Patricks day treat for the family :) Its a rainbow if you couldn't guess. With clouds and gold at the end.

Things they have been up to.....

Kale played soccer this past fall, and loved every minute.

 Kale had his first pinewood derby. It was really fun for all.

Mara did a scientific project and then entered it into the science fair. She learned a lot and had fun doing the project.

Kales Baptism

Kale was baptized January 2nd, 2014. He was so excited to have his day!

Lee was able to perform the baptism, and he did a great job. It was a beautiful day.

Halloween 2013

Mara decided to be a vampire, and Kale was Luke Sky walker from star wars.
They went with some friends that night. 

Carson was a Cereal killer. He went with one of his friends as well. They had a great time together!

Thursday, March 20, 2014

First day of School!

Carson started 7th grade. He plays piano, cello, runs track (long distance), participates in boy scouts, and still loves cars. 

 Mara started 5th grade. She plays piano, is in the school choir, loves to play with friends. She is a great artist, learning to roller blade and just started babysitting.

Kale started 2nd grade. He just began piano, loves soccer, likes to swim. He likes playing with friends and learned to ride a 2 wheeled bike.

Things we have done in Houston....

Visited the Zoo!

Visited the Bayou!

More Bayou....

Museum of Natural Science

USS Texas Battleship

Updates!!! The highlights of the past year....

First of all we moved this past summer to Kingwood, TX. Which is just northeast of Houston. We really like it! We found it necessary when Lee was let go of his job in Tulsa, OK. We were sad that we had to leave our home and friends, but Lee was offered a really great offer with a great company. It has been a great move for his career. The pictures below are a couple of our new house. Yes, we have a pool! It is really hot down here, and we can use it for quite a bit during the year. 

Thursday, March 6, 2014