Friday, March 21, 2014

Spring vacation to San Antonio

For spring break, we decided to take the kids to San Antonio. It is only a few hours away, and I nor the kids had been there before. We took them to Sea World since we had not been there with them before. :)
We first visited the dolphins.

 Took in the Sea horses.

Had to see the shows! :) We even sat in the splash zones. 

Had a great time watching the action.

Fed some of the birds and water fowl.

The next day we ventured to the Alamo! We learned a lot and enjoyed walking the Riverwalk there, which I did not get a picture of. 

Had to throw in my semi-healthy St. Patricks day treat for the family :) Its a rainbow if you couldn't guess. With clouds and gold at the end.

1 comment:

Brittany said...

Your St. Patty's day treat is super cute! What a neat idea!