Monday, September 8, 2014

15 year Anniversary

Lee was very generous with me this year. I did help pick out the ring. :) It is gorgeous and I love it! 

 He also sent me this beautiful flower arrangement.

I can't imagine my life without him. I love you Lee!

First day of School!

School started August 25th. I think everyone was ready for it to start up again! 

Kale is in 3rd grade this year. He is officially the last kid in elementary school. Holy cow! Time has gone by so fast! He really likes his teachers, and of course recess. His favorite subject is math. He also is a great reader and he loves to swim.

Mara started 6th grade this year. She is now in middle school!! She was excited and a little nervous to switch classes and have a bunch of teachers, but she is doing really well. She is taking choir and really likes it. Her favorite subject is science. 

Carson is in 8th grade this year. Last year before high school! He is growing up so fast. He now shares a school with his sister and they ride their bikes to school together. He is always a great student. He continues taking the cello, and his favorite subject is math. 


Mara got her braces on this summer! She will be having great fun with them. Haha. :)