Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Losing my Brain

I am thinking that my brain is slowing down. It happens as we get older. I swear I lost more brain cells with each child I had. (They are so worth it though!)

I was proud of myself last week, when on the day they were due, I remembered I needed to return the DVD's back to Blockbuster. I gathered the necessary supplies, and headed out the door. My lovely 3 yr old decided to throw a small fit in the garage when I opened the car door for him (He wanted to do it by himself). *Note to self: Try not to be distracted when carrying important things in your hands.*

Now, I KNOW I had those DVD's in my hands when I walked out the door. I arrived at the desired location. Hmm... can't find the DVD's in the car. Look under seats, in the back, in the front, pretty much everywhere. No DVD's. By this point, I am annoyed with myself. I am thinking that I must have put them down somewhere in the garage. Upon the arrival of home, and looking in the garage, in the house, under every imaginable place I could think of, I remember something important.

I remember putting the DVD's on TOP of the car, while I was dealing with said 3yr old about the car door issue. *Note to self: Never put things of value on top of your car, and drive away!!!*

So if any of you driving through my town, and happen to see some DVD cases on the side of the road, will you let me know? I would really appreciate it.

Friday, September 18, 2009

New seasons

With school in our lives have become more hectic. We don't have as much time as we did during the summer to play. We still make time for our walk through the preserve though. The leaves are starting to change, and weather is much cooler. ( I know you couldn't tell with the kids wearing shorts!) What can I say, they dress themselves. It doesn't really help to argue about it either. I do have veto rights when it comes to really unmatched clothes, and worn out clothes.

I have to face the new season in my life now. My children are no longer babies that require me to do everything for them. I used to pick out their clothes, shoes, hairstyles, and food. I still pick out their food, but they now get themselves dressed in the mornings, and tell me how they want their hair. I have to face that my kids are growing up faster than I want them to.

I am proud of how independent they are becoming, but sad that they are not looking to me for everything. (minus Kale, he is still my mama's boy, and I am taking full advantage of that)!

I am sure every Mother goes through this. It is just hard to face the ever changing seasons around here.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Never Forget

Friday, September 4, 2009

Happy Anniversary!

10 years ago today! We looked so young, and in love. We are even more in love now. Thanks for everything Lee. I look forward to spending the rest of eternity with you. I love you!