Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Losing my Brain

I am thinking that my brain is slowing down. It happens as we get older. I swear I lost more brain cells with each child I had. (They are so worth it though!)

I was proud of myself last week, when on the day they were due, I remembered I needed to return the DVD's back to Blockbuster. I gathered the necessary supplies, and headed out the door. My lovely 3 yr old decided to throw a small fit in the garage when I opened the car door for him (He wanted to do it by himself). *Note to self: Try not to be distracted when carrying important things in your hands.*

Now, I KNOW I had those DVD's in my hands when I walked out the door. I arrived at the desired location. Hmm... can't find the DVD's in the car. Look under seats, in the back, in the front, pretty much everywhere. No DVD's. By this point, I am annoyed with myself. I am thinking that I must have put them down somewhere in the garage. Upon the arrival of home, and looking in the garage, in the house, under every imaginable place I could think of, I remember something important.

I remember putting the DVD's on TOP of the car, while I was dealing with said 3yr old about the car door issue. *Note to self: Never put things of value on top of your car, and drive away!!!*

So if any of you driving through my town, and happen to see some DVD cases on the side of the road, will you let me know? I would really appreciate it.


John and Sherri said...

I'm glad I'm not the only one! I have lost more than one phone by putting them on the care and driving away- my husband has learned to laugh because it happens so much! Happy Day!

Leisa said...

I can so relate--what you need is a big van so you don't put things on top ;)! We just found our 6th grader's band stuff BEHIND the 2 yr old's carseat! It's been lost since the start of school! I hope they show up for you!

Christy C. said...

You crack me up! I am so glad I am not the only one who forgets! I think I am constantly losing it. Oh well...

Julie said...

I completely understand the lost brain cells thing. Good luck finding the DVDs.

SuZaNNe said...

That is SO FUNNY! I agree about losing brain cells with every child :)

Celeste said...

Tim did that with a ski jacket we had borrowed from my sister-in-law. Yeah, $80 replacement jacket later, we learned a great lesson. Sorry.

Anonymous said...

Oops! I did that with Dad's keys to everything---you know that big glob of keys he carries on a key ring---we never did find them---we even looked up and down the road.

Tavia said...

This kind of stuff happens to all of us now and again. But right now, I'm blaming it on post-partum brain, etc.