Friday, January 23, 2009

Consumer Choice?

I know I already posted today, but in my travels I thought of something else to blog about that has been bugging me. I live in a small college town now. In this town I feel like I no longer have options when it comes to where I can shop. We have no Target, Shopko, Mervyns(yes I know they are going out of business), K-Mart, and a huge (SIGH), no COSTCO! We have a Super Wal-Mart. *ta da* I don't want to offend anyone, but really dislike Wal-mart and I never, I repeat never shop there unless I have tried every other store within a 10 mile radius. So here I sit, and realize how much I miss all the choices I once had. I have found some small replacements; Elder Beerman, and Miejers, they are a consolation prizes. I really miss Costco. And sometimes I will drive 20 miles up the road just to visit, and feel peace in my heart once again. :) So to those of you that love to have choices, keep fighting for them. For one day we might not have anything but blue shopping centers.

Remebering good times

I was sorting through some of our files of pictures and videos trying to transfer some to our external drive of our computer. I ran into some of our videos of Peru. This video was of a monkey that met our aquaintance during our visit. We had a fun trip! As a side note, things have warmed up here considerably. We have been in the 20's most of the week. Here is Ohio they would call that balmy weather :)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Our day thus far...

My intentions were to sit here and blog of some events in our family, but with the chaos around me, I am going to make this short. Iwill try to ignore the fact that Kale is running around naked, while the other kids chase him, trying to convince him to get his clothes on. I would post some pictures, but I think there are laws about posting naked pictures of your kids on the internet.:) There is a lot of squealing, and laughing going on. The kids are home from school today, since it was cancelled for the second straight day. The temperatures have been unreal. As I type it is minus 13degrees outside. With the wind chill it is around minus 35 degrees. So they cancelled school because they don't want kids outside waiting for buses and such. The university still has classes so Lee had to brave the cold to go. Poor guy. (update: Kale has his diaper on now). Yes, he is not yet potty trained. We continue that feat without much success, yet. It is a good day thus far, and we look forward to a fun filled day, trying to keep 3 kids entertained and convince them it is not a good idea to go outside.:)

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Look what I lost!

Mara finally lost her front teeth. They have been loose for weeks now, and really were bothering her, ( and especially her parents):) She is excited to be toothless for awhile. She reminded us that this was a good time to lose her teeth, since corn on the cob season isn't until summertime.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Here I go...

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:

  • Just returned from my mission in Bolivia
  • Taking spanish classes at WSU
  • Trying to find me a husband
  • Found my husband at Lagoon (long story)
  • Working as a nurse

5 things on my To-Do list today:

  • Prepare a talk for Sunday
  • Prepare a lesson to substitute sunbeams
  • Call my 401k people
  • Pay some bills
  • Spend time with my kids

5 snacks that I LOVE:

  • Really anything Chocolate
  • Preztels
  • Nachos
  • Caramel Corn
  • Butterscotch hard candy

5 Things I would do if I were a Billionaire:

  • Go on some fantastic trips with my hubby
  • Take my kids anywhere they would want
  • Donate some money to my church
  • Help pay off debt to people in need


Tiffany, Bethany, Heather, and Christy C.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good Books Anyone?

I have been in a rut lately to find a REALLY good book to read. I have read some mediocre books, but nothing that grabs me, and I can't put it down. So, I am asking you, my friends, for any suggestions. I LOVE to read, and need some help. Let me know anything you have read recently, and loved.
We have discovered a great bike path here in town. It is great to take the kids to, either to walk, or ride bikes. The best thing is it is flat, so the kids don't tire as easily. We love some of the warmer days here, and try to take advantage of them.
(OK, so they still have to bundle up. But warmer here doesn't mean the wind has stopped blowing, and the temperature is out of the 30's). :)