Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Preschool Graduation

Kale graduated from Preschool on Friday! My camera was not working great, so my pictures are not great. All the kids were so cute, and I had so much fun watching the program. I can't believe my baby is getting so big! He will be in Kindergarten in the Fall, and he is so ready and excited. We love our Kale!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Priesthood Camp Out

The boys went on their annual Priesthood Commemoration camp out. They love going, and look forward to it every year. I think W.Virginia has some of the prettiest places I have seen. It is worth the trip! (Hint Hint) They had a great time! The original campground they were planning to go to was closed, due to flooding and washed out roads, but they found a great backup place.

Yes, there was a cemetery on the property, but they did not seem to mind. :)

Lee's Graduation---Belated...

I am a really neglectful wife for not posting these pictures sooner! Yes, Lee did indeed graduate in December with his Master's degree in Geology. We are so proud of him and all his hard work. It was a very rushed event, since we were moving the very next day, but I insisted that Lee walk. He deserved it! Congratulations...late. :)


Monday, May 2, 2011

I'm Back!

Sorry for such a LONG hiatus from the blogging world! I really don't have a good excuse, except getting very busy. We are liking WV, and seem to be adjusting well. I have a job at a local hospital working in the Children's Hospital Resource Pool. It is per-diem, and I really like it so far. It is very flexible, and I can choose my shifts and hours. I love not working weekends and holidays. I don't work much, since my husband works 80 hours a week sometimes!

Thanks for reading, and make sure you read ALL the new posts. I will try to not get so behind again. :)

Easter Weekend

We hiked a short way to a overlook at Cooper's Rock state forest, and had a great view! It is so pretty this time of year.

My parents were able to make a quick trip to see our family over Easter. We had fun exploring Cooper's rock, and hiking to a very old Iron furnace from the 1840's. It was a very pretty hike, even if the trail was muddy and wet. ;)
We are so glad they came to visit, since this is the last time we will see them for 2 years! They are leaving on a mission to the Marshall Islands, and will be gone for 2 years. We are sad to see them go, but so proud of them for the decision they have made.


We love spring here! They have great trails, and places to hike around here. It can become quite adventurous.

We also were able to go and volunteer at the homeless shelter. After listening to Elder Eyrings talk at conference, our family really felt we needed to serve more in our family and our community. It was a great experience for our kids. They actually were excited to wash dishes by hand, and wondered why we even had a dishwasher at home! I reminded them of the novelty of washing dishes by hand, and they should be very GRATEFUL for a dishwasher. Silly kids.

Cherry Blossom Festival

We FINALLY made it to the temple on our trip to Washington DC last month. It was beautiful on the inside and out.It is one the biggest temples that I have seen or been in. I am so glad we took the time to visit. I really need to visit there more often.

We had the chance for a quick trip to Washington DC a few weeks ago. I have always wanted to see the Cherry blossoms in bloom during that time of year, so I was very excited to see them! They did not disappoint. Since, we live only 3 hours away it is quite nice to go. It was a little chilly but really nice weather that day to walk around. We had to stop at the white house as well. Unfortunately, the President would not come out to talk to us. :) I guess he had better things to do.

We also stopped at the National Air Museum in Virginia. It is where the retired space shuttle is housed as well. It was HUGE! It is in the massive airplane hanger. The kids had a blast looking at all the different planes, and of course the space shuttle. We were blessed to be joined by the Bartholomew's from NY. Our kids had so much fun catching up with their cousins. They always make the trip more fun.

Blue and Gold Banquet

The cub scouts had their Blue and Gold Banquet recently. It was a Father and Son cake making contest as well. If you know my boys, you know Carson and his Dad have a good natured rivalry with each other on whether Jeeps or Land Cruiser's are the better car.

In spirit of this disagreement, they decided to do a cake based on these two cars. I think they did a amazing job! Mom's were not allowed to help at all, so I gave them the recipes, and stood back. They did great. As you can see Carson got his way, and the Jeep made it to the top first. :)

Lee's Job

As you know, Lee took a job for Horizon Well Logging. He is a Field Geologist. We are living in Morgantown, WV, but Lee works mostly in Pennsylvania on rigs about 45 minutes north of us.

This is what Lee is having fun with while at work! You can see he gets very dirty sometimes. :) The rigs are VERY close to his trailer where he works. He spends quite a bit of time in the trailer doing paper work, but he does have to collect samples from the rig site, and fix any equipment of theirs if it should fail. He really likes the work and is learning so much. We are glad he has a job, and one that he doesn't mind going to. Now if he didn't have to work 12 hours shifts 5-6 days a week, we would like it even more!