Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My Blog...continues

After a year of not updating my blog, I FINALLY put up some updates. After I did, I realized how many others have neglected or quit their blogs. Was it a passing trend to have one? Or have other social outlets made it easier to keep others informed of your life? Or are people too busy? I myself was pretty busy this past year. My husband was working in Houston, while my children and I stayed in Tulsa for 6 months. He was home most weekends, but it was still hard. When I did have time, I couldn't find the motivation to blog. Not sure why. I actually like to blog, since I am a horrible journal keeper, it has been somewhere to document my life. I quit Facebook years ago, and never joined any other social media since, much to the displeasure of family. :) I have found it to be refreshing to not see EVERY single detail of some other persons life. I love not having stalkers in my families life.

So to sum up. This blog really is for me. While I enjoy having those close to me reading it, I have to admit most people don't check out blogs much anymore. I will soldier on, knowing it will be nice to have this as a history of sorts for myself and my family to look back at and remember things we have experienced together. I will promise to update more regularly!

P.S I have cleaned up my blog. Which means I have deleted blogs whom authors have not posted anything for over 2 years. Please let me know if you would still like me to follow your blog! I would love to see how you are doing. :)

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