Friday, August 20, 2010

New School Year

The new school year has begun! Carson and Mara were very excited to start school this year. (So was Mom.:) They loved shopping for new school clothes and school supplies. Is it me, or does the list of supplies get longer, and more expensive? They seem to like their teachers, and of course playing with all their friends!

Carson is in 4th grade this year. Wow! I can't believe how grown up he is getting. He is a great student and a very good big brother, and great friend.
Mara started 2nd grade this year. She loves her teacher, and was excited to see some of her same friends from 1st grade. She likes school very much, just not homework. I don't blame her at all. I don't like homework either.

They still ride the bus, which they like and so do I. The year has started great!


BookwormMom said...

Does anyone normal like homework?

Your kids look so cute, and so grown up!!!!

SuZaNNe said...

YAY for school :) They look super cute!!!

Heather said...

I can't believe how big everyone is getting. it was great to see you this last summer.