Saturday, March 21, 2009

And the floods came up.

We have had some WET weather here the past couple of weeks. The result being some minor to moderate flooding. The ground is saturated with water. The water table is very high here. Lee was able to snap some pictures of some of the water around.

Also this week, Carson finally learned to ride his bike without training wheels. Yipee!!! He is doing awesome. In fact, Lee and Carson went on a 22 mile bike ride today. Yes, that is right 22 miles. There is a really neat bike path that travels through several towns. It is paved and flat! They had a really great time.

Mara lost another tooth. She is losing them so quite a few of them. We keep teasing her that soon she won't have any teeth to eat with. :) She is loving riding her bike around the neighborhood too.

Kale has inherited Carson's bigwheel and he really loves it! I can't believe how big they are getting.

More good news! Lee sold 2 of his painting that were being shown here in a local gallery. Yea! I am so proud of him. We are excited that he is selling them. It means more $ in the bank, and that helps with any future trips we might want to take someday. Lee just finished with spring break, and it was fun. Grandma and Grandpa Bartholomew came. (a.k.a. Lee's parents) They spend about 3 days here. The kids were very excited to see them. We enjoyed our time with them and were able to catch up some. For some reason we didn't take pictures while they were here. :( Sorry! We hope they come to back soon!

We are really liking Ohio! We do miss our friends in Utah, and anyone who would like to come visit is more than welcome. (hint hint)


Deena ♥ Curtis said...

Keep those life jackets handy!!! Post some pics of Lee's work.. That is so cool.. tell him congrats!!!

Celeste said...

Looks like you should be taking up canoeing not biking! Crazy! Nice job Lee on selling your paintings.

SuZaNNe said...

Are you sure Lee didn't take the water pictures in our basement :)
I can't believe they biked so far? Way to go Carson!!
Congrats on selling the paintings too!

Anonymous said...

So far we've been spared the flooding here. That's great that Carson good go the 22 miles with Lee.