Thursday, July 23, 2009

Road Trip

Be Warned! This post is very, very long. It will take you some time to read through. It will be worth it though.:)

Our trip started out in Kirtland, OH. We visited the Kirtland visitor's center for the LDS church, and surrounding outbuildings. We even had the chance to visit the Kirtland Temple. It is belongs to the Community of Christ church, but they give tours through it. Having been studying the Doctrine and Covenants this year, it was really neat to go in the temple and see where some of the revelations were given to the prophet Joseph Smith.
Newel K. Whitney's home. It is the original.

The saw mill restored in Kirtland.

Next stop NY! Thanks to Lee's brother Jarett and family, who allowed us to crash with them!

This is at Hill Cumorah. This is where the Gold Plates were hidden up until given to Joseph Smith by the Angel Moroni to translate. The Angel Moroni.

The is the replica of Joseph Smith's home when he was 14, and saw Heavenly Father, and Jesus.

Inside of the home.

My parents came with us on our trip, and they made the trip even more fun! Aren't they cute?!

One the highlights of our trip was visiting the Sacred Grove. This is where Joseph Smith saw God the Father, and Jesus Christ. The feeling and spirit there was inspiring. You can't really explain it, unless you have experienced it.

This is the E.B. Grandin printing press. This is part of the original building where the Book of Mormon was published. They would use the ropes to lower down manuscripts and other heavy items to the ground.

This is how they "sewed" the Book of Mormon together.

This is a faxed copy of some of the translated pages of the Book of Mormon.

This is the Martin Harris Farm. This is not the original house that was there, but it is the place. Martin Harris was very helpful in getting the money to help print the Book of Mormon. I think this is Lee pondering. He likes to ponder quite a bit. :)

While in NY we went to the pageant at the Hill Cumorah. It was great! This is the Angel Moroni in the background.

This is the stage setting they put up for the pageant. Over 800 cast and crew participate in the pageant every year! They do an amazing job, and you can tell how much they love being there. All of them are volunteers.

The cast mingles with the audience before the show to help explain the pageant and be "mini" missionaries. This is with "Father Lehi". One of the first prophets in the Book of Mormon.

This is the Peter Whitmer farm in Fayette, NY. This is a replica of their home. At this location is where the LDS church was organized, April 6th, 1830. This is the view from behind the home, and part of the farm located there. It was a beautiful setting.

We had the opportunity to visit one of the finger lakes while in NY. We stopped by Seneca Lake. I was surprised on how big it was. Our kids enjoyed throwing rocks, skipping rocks, etc...

Kale loves the water!

Carson playing by the water.
This is Niagara Falls! It was magnificent, beautiful, incredible, and more. We were able to ride the boat, "Maid of the Mist", down through and around the falls. Totally worth the money, trust me. They provide the ponchos because of the amount of mist and water coming on the boat. The kids LOVED this boat ride. They loved getting wet, and seeing the falls. I was amazed on how big they were. You could see the mist rising up from the water a couple of miles away.
Any one up for cliff jumping off this?

This is when we had disembarked from the boat, and decided to walk up some stairs right next to the falls, without our ponchos. BIG mistake. We got soaked!! It still was fun, and the kids still loved it.

The picture after. We were all wet, and had to go and change our clothes before walking around some more. We had so much fun here, and we were glad we took the detour and time to stop and see the beautiful Niagara Falls.

We had a great trip! We had some much fun, and loved everything we saw. I highly recommend going to these sites if you have the time and money.:)


Deena ♥ Curtis said...

I so want to go there someday!!! Thanks for sharing.

mitchclan said...

I so want to go on that trip! It looks like you had a great time!

Julie said...

Now I want to go. It looks so fun.

Heather said...

What a fun trip! I want to go there someday!

SuZaNNe said...

Thanks for sharing the pictures. Everything looks so fun! I'm sad we missed it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks again for sharing those experiences with us. We loved seeing those special places with your family. What memories!