Thursday, December 23, 2010

We made it....finally!

We actually arrived very late on Saturday, but time has passed by so quickly since then. Moving reminded me why I don't like to move. Lee had to start his job about 3 weeks before we moved, so he really wasn't around to enjoy all the packing that was involved, but he helped TONS when we arrived.:) He returned home on Thursday morning, and took his last final! Yay! Then we packed, and sorted,etc....Friday we picked up the moving truck, and started loading it up with the wonderful help from fellow ward members.

Friday night was Lee's graduation(which I plan to post about later). We woke up very early on Saturday, and the BIG move began. We had lots of help from the EQ, and the sister missionaries were kind enough to come and help as well. THANK YOU! Once the loading was complete,(we had to give away so much stuff), we cleaned up the house. We realized we were going to have to leave some stuff in the garage, and come back for it later.(Which Lee did yesterday). We gathered the cats, which took some time, and then loaded up. Unfortunately, and truck wouldn't start. How anti-climatic!

We called the moving company and they sent a repair man to fix it. It was bitterly cold in Ohio, and the diesel engine did not like it at all! That put us behind a good 2 hours, so we didn't get to Morgantown until about 9pm. We unloaded until we reached our mattresses, and then crashed about midnight.

After church the next day, the wonderful ward members in our new ward stopped by and helped us unload the truck. So helpful! We ate dinner at one of their houses, since I still hadn't found dishes.:)

Now we have been trying to organize the house, and unpack. Which I have decided it is as bad as packing. Especially the week before Christmas. Luckily Lee's job let him have more days off then we were expecting, and he didn't have to return to work until tonight. That is right he has to work nights! Blah! Those days off were great, and he helped so much getting things put together for our family. Lee will have to work Christmas eve, and Christmas but we expected that being the new guy and all. His boss will try to work him close to home so he can come home between shifts, but this rig is almost 2 hours away. To far to come home between shifts, so we will drive up there on Christmas to spend some time with him. We miss him already!

The townhouse is great. The fridge/freezer wasn't working, but that is now fixed, and the hot water is working now as well.(Nothing like a cold shower):)

I hope your Christmas is grand, and I will try to post some pictures and update some more later! Merry Christmas.


Brittany said...

We miss you!!!!

SuZaNNe said...

I'm so sorry! And you know I mean that after just going through the same moving chaos. I hope you can get settled soon. LOVE YOU :)

Anonymous said...

Moving is so much fun!! We definitely empathize with you. We get to move again in a few weeks. It was so nice to have ward members and friends pitch in and help on both ends. Congrats to Lee. He MADE it! We miss you.

garhales said...

So glad found your blog again! It is such a super way to stay caught up. We love and miss you!

Celeste said...

I know I'm slow in checking blogs- but I'm glad that things are going mostly well for you all! So exciting! You'll have to post some pictures of the new place!

Brittany said...

my mom (and I think Sister Sayer, too) want invites to your blog. My mom's email is