Thursday, March 27, 2008

Our Luggage

The other day our new luggage arrived.(For those who don't know Lee and I are going to Peru this summer for 10 days.) We ordered some new backpacks so we could travel easier. Mara was looking at our luggage and asked if she was going on our trip. We told her only the things that fit in our luggage were going. A little while later we took these pictures of her in our luggage. It goes to show you how inventive children can be. She then told us since she could fit in our luggage then she should be able to go on our trip with us!:)

This will be the first time Lee and I have left our children for more than overnight. I know they will be fine. I will be the one having withdrawl. None the less I am very excited for our trip. Especially with Lee finally graduating, we have been so busy and overloaded it will be nice to get away together. Kind of like a 2nd honeymoon.:)


Shannon said...

That is so cute. I just love Mara!

mitchclan said...

Ya gotta love the way kids think! I think Mara would have a great time traipsing around with you two!!