Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rain, Rain, go away....for now

I am really ready for spring to be sprung. I went to Carson's soccer game on Saturday, and it was FREEZING. With the wind blowing, I was definately cold. I had to walk around to keep warm. The kids playing soccer didn't complain much and they had fun. Carson's team won. YEAH! Hopefully, the next game it will be a lot warmer and we can enjoy being outside. I usually go walking 3 mornings a week in the cold, but I guess working out makes it so I am not as cold. I am glad that it is at least getting light now during my walks and it is not pitch-black. It seems to make it easier to get going in the mornings. As a side note, Lee graduates in about 3 weeks. MAY 2 is the day!!!

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