Friday, April 4, 2008

Tagged A-Z

This is the first time I have been tagged so here I go...
A. Attached or Single? Been attached now for almost 9 years.
B. Best Friends? My forever friend and husband, Lee.
C. Cake or Pie? Well that is tough...probably cheese cake.
D. Day of choice? No brainer there...My weekends off work. Everyone is together.
E. Essential item? Cell phone and car.
F. Favorite color? ocean blue, and forest green.
G. Greatest accomplishment? My family( I do wonder some days)
H. Hometown? Was born in California, but have lived in Utah since I was 5.
I. Indulgences? Too many to list...but favorites are reading a good book, and good chocolate.
J. January or July? Definately July. I love going up to the cabin or going hiking. Anything that let's our family enjoy being outside.
K. Kids? 3 wonderful crazy kids.
L. Life is incomplete without? Of course without my husband or children.
M. Marriage date? September 4
N. Number of siblings? 4
O. Oranges or Apples? mandarin oranges
P. Phobias or fears? Heights, and not doing everything that I would like to do before I die.
Q. Quotes? Live, Laugh, Learn
R. Reason to smile? Waking up still married to the man I am madly in love with.
S. Season? That would have to be spring..with all the new growth and beautiful colors, and near perfect weather. (Except for this spring :)
T. Tag 3 friends? Shannon, Daphne, Tavia
U. Unknown fact about me? I fell head first off a slide when I was 8 years old, and was in the hospital for 2 days. Maybe that is what is wrong with me...?
V. Very favorite store? COSTCO!!
W. Worst habit? Spending way to much time on the internet!
X. X-ray or ultrasound. Well I have had both, and I think I prefer the ultrasound only because I associate it with less pain.
Y. Your favorite food? Indian food.(bombay grille in Ogden, service sucks but food is divine.)
Z. Zodiac? Well that depends, you see my birthday is June 21, some say Gemini, and others say it is Cancer. All I know is my birthday is on the longest day of the year.

Well I finished my tag, and it wasn't so bad.

1 comment:

Celeste said...

You are always rubbing it in that your birthday is on the longest day of the year!!! You deserve it, though! :)