Sunday, September 28, 2008

Praying for our Country

With all the financial and economic turmoil this past week, I know that I am praying that our elected leaders receive the inspiration and guidance that they need. I am asking for others to do the same, and a decision can be reached that will move us in a direction that will be fair for all parties. As a Mom, I am concerned for my children's future. I ask everyone to please vote this coming Nov. It is the men and women who are elected that have sooo much say in our future. Please consider everyone who is running, and vote for those who you feel will make the best decisions for you.
On a lighter note. We had a great GNO night at my friend, Tanya, house. Just being able to get together and have a good chat session is always fun. See you all next time!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Planning for grandkids...ALREADY?!

Conversation I had with my kids in the car today.

Mara: Mommy when I grow up and am a mommy I am going to have 6 kids.

Me: 6 kids? That many?

Mara: Yes, I want 6 kids.

Me: Carson, How many kids are you going to have?

Carson: I think I better talk to my wife about that.

Me: Good answer.

It always amazes me the things that go on in their little heads.

Monday, September 15, 2008

My little boy loves Queen!

I am wondering if we are exposing our children to the right music. This morning Kale, our 2 year old, went into his room and put in a CD in the boombox. All of a sudden I hear Queen, We will we will rock you, booming out of the room, and right along with the music is Kale's voice singing the lyrics right along with them. Surprisingly he actually knows most of the words. Maybe I should be monitoring more what CD's he is finding to listen to?!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I love fall..

This is one of my favorite times of the year. I love fall. The air is cooler, the leaves are changing, the garden is finally yielding, and soon I won't have to weed the flower beds! Seriously, I really enjoy these months. The kids are playing soccer again, and while it is time consuming, I love watching them play and have fun. They really like school, and they had a great time at their carnival. Both of them performed in class performances and did a great job. Selling the house has been a process I could do without. I constantly have to make sure the house is mostly clean so if someone wants to come and look at it, I don't have to clean up much. We have shown the house twice this past week, so I guess that is good that we are getting some interest. I am glad we have some time to sell so we don't feel like we are giving the house away. I will be glad to have this part over with, even though I will be sad to move out of our house. In my free time I have been scoping out house's to rent in OHIO, and looking for jobs that fit my interest. So much things to change but exciting times for us. I really hope we sell by Nov. since I do not want to move when it is all snowy and cold. By the way, I want to tell my Grandma happy 84th birthday!

Friday, September 5, 2008


This weekend brings our 9th anniversary. Lee and I were married Sept. 4th, 1999. I can't believe how fast the time has gone. We have had a great time. I am so glad I was smart enough to marry the incredible, smart, good looking, wonderful father, and loving husband that I did. For those you don't know or don't remember our story I wanted to recap how Lee and I met. Flashback to spring of 1999. I had been invited to go the Lagoon night sponsored by the Ogden LDS institute. Laurie, my friend, had a friend from her mission, Laura, who had called and asked her if she wanted to go with a group of her friends. In turn Laurie called me, and I agreed to go and meet this particular group of people. We arrived at Lagoon late (no big surprise) and met them at the front doors. I assessed the situation and decided that they all seemed fairly nice. Part way through the night Laurie ran off for awhile with someone else she knew. This was good because then I really got to know that fun bunch. Lee somehow fanagled it, that he and I would end up on the sky ride together. He planned that so he could get to know me better. In short, he asked me for my phone number that night, and I gave it to him, thinking he seemed kind of quiet and shy for me.
Early the next morning he called and asked me out. I already had plans with a group of students from one of my spanish classes. I told him we were going dancing at a latino club in SLC. Guess who showed up there that night? Yep, Lee did. At first I thought he was a stalker, but after dancing and talking to him most of the night, I really came to like him. We had a date the next week which was way fun. We went on a hike, and watched a movie at the planitarium at WSU. Lee's brother was working there at the time. I went out with another guy the night after I went out with Lee. It was a top 5 worst dates ever, and when I arrived home I found Lee had left me a dozen roses to thank me for a great date the night before. That totally lifted my spirits. A few days later I left for Costa Rica for a month to study abroad. I had a fantastic time, but missed Lee, and did send him some postcards. When I got home I called him a couple of days later, and we went that weekend. After that it was history, we were with each other all the time. We had so much fun, and could communicate really well. We were engaged over the 4th of July. Were were married 2 months later in the Ogden LDS Temple. I was, and still am so in love with him. Happy Anniversary!

We have some news....

So I know we haven't posted for awhile, but we have been really busy sprucing up our house and finishing up some projects that were long over due. We have been rushing to do this, because the Bartholomew Family is moving! Yep, Lee has been accepted to Bowling Green University in Ohio. For those who are wondering where that is, it is about 2o miles south of Toledo. Right by Lake Erie. Holy Cow! It is just sinking in now. Lee will be in the GIS (geographical information systems) master's program. I am very torn on moving. I really like our house, neighborhood, and ward. I also love my job. I am trying to be optimistic about this all and realize what a great opportunity this is for Lee and our family. So if you know anyone looking for a house, ours is for sale now :( I am posting some pictures of our house since it looks really good right now, and am proud of all the work we have put into it. Lee is scheduled to begin the first week in Jan. but we probably will move sooner if the house sells, so we don't have to move twice. Wish us luck!