Saturday, September 13, 2008

I love fall..

This is one of my favorite times of the year. I love fall. The air is cooler, the leaves are changing, the garden is finally yielding, and soon I won't have to weed the flower beds! Seriously, I really enjoy these months. The kids are playing soccer again, and while it is time consuming, I love watching them play and have fun. They really like school, and they had a great time at their carnival. Both of them performed in class performances and did a great job. Selling the house has been a process I could do without. I constantly have to make sure the house is mostly clean so if someone wants to come and look at it, I don't have to clean up much. We have shown the house twice this past week, so I guess that is good that we are getting some interest. I am glad we have some time to sell so we don't feel like we are giving the house away. I will be glad to have this part over with, even though I will be sad to move out of our house. In my free time I have been scoping out house's to rent in OHIO, and looking for jobs that fit my interest. So much things to change but exciting times for us. I really hope we sell by Nov. since I do not want to move when it is all snowy and cold. By the way, I want to tell my Grandma happy 84th birthday!

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