Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Mountain Fun, Moose,and a Lost Cat

We have had a couple of fun excursions to the mountains the last couple of weeks. First we went to Farmington Canyon and drove to the top and read books once we arrived. The mountains are so pretty this time of year. Last weekend we went to our cabin in the Uintas. The leaves are changing rapidly, and they are gorgeous. Even thought it rained off and on, and even a few snow flurries made an appearance, we still enjoyed our time there. On interesting event happened on Sunday. We were taking a drive around the property, and I wanted to stop the car to take some pictures of some trees. I gathered the kids close to the side of the road, and was having Lee take the picture. I heard a noise off the road, and at first glance I thought it was a lost beef cow. It only took a second for me to realize it was a very large moose. Very quickly and as quietly as I could I ushered the children back to the car. Once in the safety of the car, we observed 2 different moose meandering throught the woods. One was a very big bull, the other was a smaller cow(female moose). They were about 20 feet away, and were very content in what they were doing. They barely gave us any attention, I assume they probably figured as long as we didn't bother them, they wouldn't bother us. We tried to get some pictures, but the trees were in the way.:)
My next story involves my cat. We have had our cat for about 8 years. She is about 10 years old. About 3 weeks ago she went outside and never returned. We looked everywhere for her. I called animal control in three different cities and counties inquiring after her. I even paid a visit to the local animal shelter. I was unable to locate our cat. We all were feeling bad, and hoping she wasn't suffering. Last night as I was turning off the lights and getting ready for bed, I heard some meowing coming from the front door. I quickly opened the door, and there was our cat! She immediately ran to her food, and started inhaling everything she could fit into her mouth. She looks like she has lost weight, and has a large nick in her tail, but everything else looks fine. We are amazed that she was able to find her way home, especially after 3 weeks. The kids were very excited this morning to find her safe and sould. She wanted everyone to pet and hold her all day. She seems like she missed us too. I am going to do a slide show about all our fun fall activities

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi this is Tanya Layne, Jonah's Mom. I just wanted to than you and the other McKay-Dee nurses who are keeping tabs on us. We are always bugging the Doctors at Primary Children's to do a back transport so hopefully it will be sooner rather than later. Pass this on to the other nurses and we hope to see you all again soon.
-Tanya, David, and Jonah
P.S. What is your email address I have a couple of questions for you.