Wednesday, November 5, 2008

We are moved! At least temporarily..

Hello Everyone!
Sorry I haven't posted in quite awhile, we were crazy busy! We moved out of our house this past weekend, which was chaotic at best. I now remember why I don't like moving! We had a marathon move on Sat. with the help of our family and neighbors. I really appreciate everyone's help. Thank you!!! We are currently living with my in-laws for a couple of weeks, and then my parents for a couple of weeks. We did celebrate Halloween, and when I find my camera dock, I will be more than happy to post some pictures of that. :) On to other matters..
We voted yesterday, and what an event! I love to vote, and help decide what will happen in this great nation. What a historic time in our lives to have elected our first black President. While he may not be the first choice of many, he is the peoples' choice, and I feel blessed to live in a country that gives us the right to choose our leaders.
I am feeling bittersweet about our move. Even though I know we are supposed to move to Ohio, I feel sad to leave my ward, job, family, and friends. I am looking forward to our new adventure. We found a pretty decent house to rent, and now I need to finalize a job. We are leaving the day after Thanksgiving, and will be driving, yes driving 3 days to Ohio. Lucky me. Is it against the law to heavily sedate children and one cat for prolonged periods of time?


Diane said...

I guess that depends on what you use for sedation.

Cam said...

Only if you get caught!! JK Congrats on the move, and I am glad all is working out so well for you! We will miss you terribly here but know that you will do well with whatever you put your minds to!
