Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Carson's Birthday Party

We had Carson's birthday party on Saturday. His birthday is June 1st, but we will be in Washington DC, so we decided to go ahead with his party. We had fun! We took the kids to the fossil park. It is a park where they can dig for real live fossils! We had pizza, and cake. Each child then was able to find fossils to take home. They thought it was pretty cool. We forgot the camera so we had to take pictures with the cell phone, so hopefully they turned out OK.

Carson had a lot fun opening his presents from his friends. Thanks to everyone who allowed their fun kids to spend some time with Carson!

His cake if you can't tell has dinosaur fossils on them. He also picked out the orange cups and plates. Orange is Carson's favorite color.:)

These are some of the fossils we found. These are just samples. There are many different kinds.

Memorial weekend was fun. We enjoyed spending time with the family. We went to a ward picnic , and played all day. We also went with just our family on a little BBQ, we LOVE the fun places to have picnics. We are looking forward to next weekend when we all travel to Washington DC as a family. I am really excited since I have never been there. In fact none of us have, so this will be new for everyone. Here are some pictures of Memorial day. We went to a very small parade in town, but still fun!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Carson's piano recital

Carson had a piano recital on Saturday. I was going to post the video, but the file was to large to download in a timely manner.;) Here is a picture of him with his teacher, Mrs. Magrum. He did a great job, and practiced really hard. Good job Carson, way to go!

Here are my kids, hugging a tree. I have no idea why they wanted to hug a tree, but they are.:) Please don't judge me if my children look homeless at times. I really try to get them ready everyday, but I swear that not even 15 minutes later they look a mess.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Strange rodents in my backyard and more....

It has been a good week. Lee finished up finals last Fri. and has been home a little more, so we have been able to spend more time together. By the way, he did awesome this semester! He got a 3.5 GPA. Pretty good for a graduate program. You are amazing Lee! We are so proud of him, and everything he is doing. I was out weeding some in the yard, and almost had a heart attack when I saw this. At first glance I thought it was a mouse, but if you look closely, you can see it is a baby rabbit. There are a lot of rabbits in this area. They love hiding under our deck.Carson has been wanting to earn some extra money, so Lee has him working a little bit in the yard to help out. Here he is doing a job.
Can you believe he is old enough to mow the yard? He is growing up so fast, and has a birthday in a couple of weeks.

I have mentioned how great the nature preserves are here. Now that things are green and in bloom, it is so fun to go walking on all the trails with the kids. We enjoy them so much. This was at a new one we went to up by Swanton and Whitehouse, called Oak Openings.

Her is anothe one I took of some of the trees there. I could spend more time enjoying the outdoors, but the mosquitos are coming to life now, and I have a feeling they will only multiply in numbers.

It is very green here, and we are enjoying the landscapes more and more. The wind still blows, but at least it is not cold anymore.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Look what FINALLY happened!

Kale finally decided to be a big boy this week! It took a lot of starbursts, and otter pops but he is using the big potty. He is even standing up using the toliet. What a big boy! He loves his new "speedracer" underwear, and wears them proudly. We love you little man! I hope the novelty doesn't wear out soon.

Mother's Day was great! The kids made some great gifts at school, and loved giving them to me. Lee was great, as usual, and he bought me a set of pearl necklace, earrings, and bracelet. They even made lunch, and dinner, and did the dishes! We went on a walk outside, and played some games together. It was a nice day. I love my kids, and LOVE being their mom. I just hope I am not screwing it up too much! :)