Friday, May 15, 2009

Strange rodents in my backyard and more....

It has been a good week. Lee finished up finals last Fri. and has been home a little more, so we have been able to spend more time together. By the way, he did awesome this semester! He got a 3.5 GPA. Pretty good for a graduate program. You are amazing Lee! We are so proud of him, and everything he is doing. I was out weeding some in the yard, and almost had a heart attack when I saw this. At first glance I thought it was a mouse, but if you look closely, you can see it is a baby rabbit. There are a lot of rabbits in this area. They love hiding under our deck.Carson has been wanting to earn some extra money, so Lee has him working a little bit in the yard to help out. Here he is doing a job.
Can you believe he is old enough to mow the yard? He is growing up so fast, and has a birthday in a couple of weeks.

I have mentioned how great the nature preserves are here. Now that things are green and in bloom, it is so fun to go walking on all the trails with the kids. We enjoy them so much. This was at a new one we went to up by Swanton and Whitehouse, called Oak Openings.

Her is anothe one I took of some of the trees there. I could spend more time enjoying the outdoors, but the mosquitos are coming to life now, and I have a feeling they will only multiply in numbers.

It is very green here, and we are enjoying the landscapes more and more. The wind still blows, but at least it is not cold anymore.


John and Sherri said...

It looks beautiful there!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Cute little bunnies....much better than rats! It looks beautiful there. Enjoy every minute you can.

SuZaNNe said...

I would've freaked out :)
Good job Lee and especially Carson!

Heather said...

Great job mowing the lawn Carson! What a tiny rabbit. So cute!