Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Day

Tuesday was the first day of school. Summer went by so fast! Carson and Mara were so excited, as well as Kale too. :) Kale wanted to have a first day picture as well. He will be home by himself now. He will no longer have Mara to play with, (or fight with). We are going to have lots of fun together. It is odd only having one child at home with me. It is very quiet, and there is less chaos. I will miss the kids while they are at school, but let's be honest, it is nice to have some peace and quiet! Carson is in 3rd grade this year. He really likes his teacher so far, and the other friends in his class. He is most excited for the new playground that was installed this summer at his school.
Mara is in 1st grade. She really likes eating lunch at school and having 3 recesses. They both really love riding the bus to and from school. They are growing up so fast! Good luck you two.


garhales said...

You and Cale will have so much fun this year. Besides with all the delay time days and snow days they take here--you won't have as much quiet as you are planning on! LOL

SuZaNNe said...

They look SO CUTE!!!

Julie said...

Wow, back to school already. They are getting so big. It's also so great that they are excited and loving school (so far).

Anonymous said...

They are wonderful kids. You and Lee are excellent parents and set an excellent example for them. We miss them and we miss you both, but are so proud of you all. Dad