Monday, November 16, 2009

Belated Good News

Remember the DVD's that got "lost" on top of my car. Blockbuster notified me that the "lost" DVD's made their way back home. They were turned in by someone! My faith has been restored in man-kind. Thank you whoever you are. You have officially made my day! Now I can show my face in Blockbuster again.


Anonymous said...

I can't believe it--they actually were turned in! Dad lost his phone this week-end and we have no hope that it will be recovered. Can you imagine Dad without a phone?!

Tavia said...

Awesome! I love it when people restore our faith.

SuZaNNe said...

WOO-HOO! That's great!

Lotte said...

Hmm... I wonder if they would consider looking for my library movie also?