Monday, November 2, 2009

Halloween 2009

We had a great Halloween this year. The weather was fair, just a little chilly. The kids had a great time Trick-or-Treating. This neighborhood is filled with children on Halloween. We actually ran out of candy by 7:30pm. I actually ended up sitting outside on my porch, like everyone else in the neighborhood, to pass out candy. It was incredible how many children were out. I have never seen anything like it. In the past, we have always lived in pretty quiet neighborhoods, so this was really different, but really fun as well! Lee had a great time walking around with the kids, they had fun seeing all the different costumes and of course getting the candy. These are 3 of our pumpkins this year.

Lee enjoyed dressing up this year with the kids. Any guesses on what you think he dressed up as?
Carson was our Special Forces Agent. He was ready to protect as a moments notice.

Mara was our beautiful Japanese Princess. She loves the pretty costumes. Nothing scary for her!

Kale was our fearless Knight. He loved having a sword, and helmet. He thought getting candy so easily was the best thing ever, besides eating it!


Deena ♥ Curtis said...


SuZaNNe said...

That's awesome you have that many kids in the neighborhood. We are loving Lees costume, but he still isn't as cute as the kiddos!

Anonymous said...

Nice Pictures! Glad all of you had a wonderful Halloween.