Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good Books Anyone?

I have been in a rut lately to find a REALLY good book to read. I have read some mediocre books, but nothing that grabs me, and I can't put it down. So, I am asking you, my friends, for any suggestions. I LOVE to read, and need some help. Let me know anything you have read recently, and loved.
We have discovered a great bike path here in town. It is great to take the kids to, either to walk, or ride bikes. The best thing is it is flat, so the kids don't tire as easily. We love some of the warmer days here, and try to take advantage of them.
(OK, so they still have to bundle up. But warmer here doesn't mean the wind has stopped blowing, and the temperature is out of the 30's). :)


Bethany Hawkley said...

Okay, you probably have, but I'll ask anyway.... have you read the classic novel 'Rebecca' by Daphne DuMarier? If not, put in on your library list. It's one that I couldn't put down and sacrificed lots of sleep for. :-)
I also just read the Tale of Despereaux. A little lame, I know, with the movie having just come out (I haven't seen it yet though). But if you haven't read it, do it! It was fabulous. You could read it with your kids!
My favorite book of all time is The Greatest Salesman in the World by Og Mandino. Read or reread it! It's a life changer.
My hubby's all time fav is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It's also an absolute must read.
Hope this helps!
So... what book recommendations do you have?? :-)

Bethany Hawkley said...

Sorry, typo - it's Daphne du Maurier.

Tavia said...

I've read several books lately...but sadly, nothing AMAZING! I did enjoy The Secret Life of Bees and it was a pretty fast read. I also read The Road in a week and actually loved it (but I may be out of the ordinary on that one). I do agree with Bethany, Rebecca was one of my fav all time books. Let me know what you decide.

Deena ♥ Curtis said...

Nope sorry don't read... boring to me!! When is Carson's birthday?? I didn't realize him and my son Cole were so close in age.. His B-day is 7/17/01... That's kinda cool.

mitchclan said...

It is so fun to read about how your little family is doing! Miss ya girl!
I just read "A Train to Potevka" and I liked it. It wasn't a "can't put it down" but it was good. Now I'm going to start on the "Christmas Sweater" by Glenn Beck...I'll let ya know on that one.

Unknown said...

The Great and the Terrible is awesome! I have those on cd if you want to borrow, great for those drives to Toledo and Back. Bishop has the last one so You can start on book one. I also like The Alchemist (have it). Do you like Anita Stansfield? I have some of hers too.

Heather said...

I finally just finished the first Twilight book....I know, I'm WAY behind!
My teen/tween kids like the Alex Rider series by Anthony Horowitz. (a 14 year old british secret agent) I found these so enjoyable I got them on CD from the library and we listened to them at dinner. It was amazing to see everyone hang around the kitchen after dinner and help clean up to listen to the end of each CD. There is a Movie available at Blockbuster of the first Alex Rider book "Stormbreaker" It actually followed the book relatively closely.
Anthone Horowitz also has some other series of books. Some for older and younger audiences.
My oldest son likes a book called The Alchemyst, but it is by Michael scott (also in that series..."The magician" and coming in May "The Sorceress"
Everyone in the family likes the "Chickens in the headlights" series as well as a series by K L Fogg (I think the first one is "Serpentide")
Valerie just let me borrow the "Rangers apprentice" series by John Flanagan. I haven't started reading them yet.
When I start to read something everything else comes to a screeching halt until I finish.

Bethany Hawkley said...

Just put put an agreement to Tavia's comment - I really, really liked The Secret Life of Bees. It's by Sue Monk Kidd I believe.

SuZaNNe said...

FREEZING!!! Sorry, no book suggestions. I missed you on New Year'!!!

Anonymous said...

I just read "The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch. It's good and a fast read. I also just read "Odds Are, You're going to be Exalted" by Alonzo L. Gaskill--thought provoking.

SuZaNNe said...

You've been TAGGED.....

Meeker home said...

Hi Kristen. FUN blog! I love to read as well. Do you belong to Goodreads by chance? If not, you should join. There are always good suggestions and you can friend people and see what they are reading and what they liked. (Everyone rates the books with 1-5 stars.) Just a thought. I have gotten a lot of good books suggestions from that site. And if you join, be sure to friend me! :)