Monday, June 29, 2009

Nature is Fun?

Our family bonded with nature this weekend. It started on Sat., when we spent 4 1/2 hours at the ward garden. It needed a lot of weeding, and fertilizing ,so we decided to begin our day there.

Our next adventure with nature came in the way of a *nature* walk. We decided to try a different park for a hike. started out OK, we came across a beautiful bridge.

After that things got worse. We ended up on a trail that didn't look like anyone else had been on all year. The trail wasn't groomed, and there was stinging nettle, branches, and trees on the path. Why did we not turn around you ask? Well we also happened upon the worst, and I am not exaggerating, field of mosquitoes I have ever seen. We literally were jogging through trying to get away from them all. We had sprayed ourselves with repellent before we started, but they obviously did not mind the spray.:) Kale ended up on Lee's shoulders so we could move faster.

So, we didn't turn around because we didn't want to face the angry mosquitoes again. Lee went first to warn us of potential poison ivy, which we did spot, but avoided, thank heavens. :) We finally made it back to the car 2miles later! We all received quite a few bites, but nothing serious. We did take the kids for ice cream after, for being so good on our hike, and helping in the garden.

So for those visiting NW Ohio, avoid the Turkeyfoot area of the Mary Jane Thurston State Park!

Side note: Lee wants everyone to know that he had a fantastic time despite the trail. *maybe next time, he can hike that trail himself. :)*


Tavia said...

I love that you take your kids on so many adventures. And I especially like the end note about Lee going alone next time;-)

SuZaNNe said...

It reminds me of the "family hikes" we had when we were little :)

John and Sherri said...

Your garden looks great! It's big. Sounds like a fun hike!!! A good story at least. I love your great green pictures- looks fun.

Anonymous said...

Glad you took the opportunity to check out that hike ahead of time instead of when we are there! Those bonding experiences in nature will always be treasures as well as topics of discussion for years to come!