Monday, June 15, 2009

Summer Fun!

We are really enjoying our summer! We have been trying to stay busy, so we don't just sit around bored. We have a Zoo pass and are trying to use it frequently. We also try to walk around the preserve every chance we get. The kids are starting co-ed softball, and T-ball this week, and the city pool is open to use. Plenty of things to do. We love summer! Now if I can just get them to sleep in later life would be great.
*side note* Lee and I have started jogging recently. Lee is up to running 8 miles. I can't fathom that, but I can jog 2 miles now. Fun stuff!


John and Sherri said...

Sounds fun! 2 miles is awesome- way to go!

UtahWarehouse said...

Congrats! What a start! I need to do the same, so I am very encouraged by you! Hope all is well and I love seeing pics of your family!

Anonymous said...

Mara is adorable with a bad hair day or not! Cute pics of the kids. Way to go with the jogging, both of you!