Sunday, December 7, 2008

Fun times in Ohio

Yesterday we went to the Nativity Celebration for our Stake. They had over 500 nativity sets. It was really neat to see so many unique sets, and ways to remember our Savior's birth. They also had a children's corner, and we were able to dress up. This is our family reinacting the stable scene. (Lee is awesome with the big beard, don't you think?)
This is an actual snowflake that Lee took a picture of that landed on our car. Lee thinks it is because we are at a lower altitude the snowflakes have longer to form. This one was about 1/4 inch across. It was pretty neat.


Tavia said...

Great photos...the snowflake and the nativity! How's Ohio?

Christy C. said...

Wow that snowflake is amazing. Don't you just love that the church is the same every where!!! We miss you at work!!

Cam said...

Amazing picture of the snowflake, cute family as always. We miss you terribly. Hope you continue to do well in your new surrounding! Our prayers are with you! Kiss that cute girl and remember your patience. I miss comparing horror stories! Ha Ha!
Take Care

SuZaNNe said...

Okay, that picture of the fam is awesome. I think Lee needs to grow a real beard, now that we know just how sexy it can be!